FinTech Belgium MeetUp on GDPR

Is your FinTech ready for GDPR?

September 14th in Antwerp.

Come to our back-to-school MeetUp on GDPR and discover the practical implications of GDPR for the fintech industry

The simplicity of the name should not disguise the impact. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) comes into law across EU member states from May 2018 and is set to profoundly alter the way SMEs manage and structure their customer and employee data. Non-compliance is not an option.Although many companies in the fintech industry have already started to roll out new privacy programs, other are lagging behind. 30% of the UK business have not started preparing for the GDPR yet, and there is no indication that Belgian businesses are doing better.The main surprise to small business owners may be the vastly increased level of fines for non-compliance. Fines will be up to 4% of annual turnover or €20m, whichever is greater.With new obligations on such matters as data subject consent, data anonymization, breach notification, trans-border data transfers, and appointment of data protection officers, to name a few, the GDPR requires companies handling EU citizens’ data to undertake major operational reform.During this event, we will learn how GDPR will affect the fintech industry, address some of the operational impacts, and finally discuss legaltech solutions to ensure GDPR compliance.


18:00 - Welcome drink

19:00 - Plenary session

Operational impact of GDPR for the fintech industry by Christophe Colas, Manager PwC

How will GDPR affect the collection of financial data? by Matthias Vierstraete, IP/ICT Lawyer at Laga

Profiling under the GDPR by Prof. Sari Depreeuw, Partner Daldewolf

Legaltech tools to ensure GDPR compliance:, NowYou, DeJurists, ...

20:00 - Discussion panel

20:30 - Drink, eat and greet

In collaboration with the MeetUp group LegalTech Belgium

An event kindly hosted by KBCLIST OF PARTICIPANTS




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