Join and support our ecosystem
It is only with the support and collaboration of its friends and partners proposing projects and offering structural, hosting and financial support that Fintech Belgium can federate, promote and represent its members.
Become a member of our association and/or… Partner up!
Whether you are a fintech and would like to become a member of our association, or a pure tech provider, a consultant, a governmental agency, a university, an investor … Discover what we can do for each other, whoever you are.
Academics, federations, chambers of commerce, regulators, governmental agencies … A lot of key actors bringing invaluable connections and content to our association, community and Fintech members.
Contact us.

Convinced? Fill in the order form…
Want to become a member?
Are you providing technological products to support or enable financial services? Active in Belgium?
Do you share our core values of integrity, transparency, client-centricity, competence and technological innovation?
Yes?! Then you “fit the brief” and would greatly gain from becoming a member of our association.
Gain a lot of visibility in our community, support us with content, or enjoy our events and exclusive networking opportunities…
FinTech Belgium, BY and FOR its members
Our +100 members are legal entities or natural persons, FinTechs active in Belgium, or which include persons developing a FinTech project and share our charter and values of integrity, transparency, client-centricity, competence and technological innovation.
To ensure innovation drives us, only members of max. 10 year existence have the right to vote during our annual general assemblies.
Apart from the proof of professionalism and trustworthiness our logo can bring to your brand, what we do for our members lies in our 3 missions…
1. We REPRESENT fintechs as the SPOC towards regulators and other parties.
As a member, you will be heard.
FTBE general feedback annual survey and annual general assembly
surveys from the regulators, the EU policy makers, our partners
contact us directly with your requests
As a founder and active member of the EDFA - the European Digital Finance Association (EDFA aisbl), our voice has a higher impact directly to the European policymakers.
2. We make the magic happen by SHARING information, experience and knowledge
Seize one of the shared PR opportunities we negotiate and manage (TV capsules, barometers, etc.)
Get 50% discount (on 3 tickets/event) to attend all our events (trainings, meetups, the Digital Finance Summit, …)
Take part in our networking sessions and a lot of other Belgian and International events at preferential rates we negotiate for you with our partners
3. We PROMOTE our members
Share your good news with us and our community on our website, social media and via our newsletter by sending an email to news@fintechbelgium.be
Be found on our website’s members' page
Grab on of the many Speaker opportunities during our own and our partners events (pitch your innovative solution during our demo sessions, show your expertise during our workshops or meetups, inspire the employees of one of our partners, …)
Gain extra visibility with a 50% discount on some of our partnership packages
Apply and compete to win one of the awards our partners offer
Get a chance to be part of our shared booth on International fairs
Be part of a Belgian delegation on a Trade Mission abroad
Take advantage of prices negotiated especially for you by FTBE’s team… E.g. Creation of your profile in a video capsule (shared on social media, etc)
How to become a fintech MEMBER of our organisation and how much will it cost?
Fill in this form, which is your application, counts as your adherence to our charter and your order form if you wish to add more visibility as a partner. Within 7 days, your application will be analysed for validation by our board of directors according to our charter.
A tip: The key to make a membership worth the investment is to be active!
* FTE – Full time equivalents including freelancers