3rd Anniversary Event and General Assembly

Thursday April 4th, 2019,
Moneytrans - Bd Waterloo 77 - 1000 Brussels

FinTech Belgium is 3 !

Thanks to the support of all our members and partners, Fintech Belgium is happy to celebrate its 3 years of existence as a non-profit organisation with its members and partners.

Programme of the night...

FinTech Belgium v3.0, partnerships announcements including promotions and advantages, press actions, launch of the summit with special rates, launch of the FinTech Belgium Classroom, ... with drinks, food, a concert and of course the best networking in Belgium within the FinTech community. ; )

An event kindly hosted by


FinTech Belgium Today

  • Result of our survey (amongst members and community - end of 2018)

  • Missions - achievement perception

  • Wants and needs for the near future

FinTech Belgium v3.0

  • Concretely...

  • Launch of Insurtech Belgium

  • Launch of FinTech Ladies in Belgium

FinTech Belgium Classroom

  • Results of survey - needs

  • First training announced

Creating content & value

  • The BE investment trends study - Reconducted this year

  • Together with Avolta Partners and Data.be

  • The Collaborative Platforms barometer - Reconducted this year

  • in a collaborative way!

  • Invitation to members: Collaborative press actions

  • together with Vademecom

  • Isabel Group Partnership - Reconducted this year

  • for more matchmaking sessions, PSD2 workshops, ...


We went to Korea, want to join in June?

Money 2020 Europe

Let's conquer Europe sharing a booth together with other members of FinTech Belgium.

La Place FinTech

welcomes our members when travelling to Paris



Recruitment needs?  A dynamic Brussels based recruitment and placement agency,

warmly hosting FTBE for already 1 year and a half, has decided to make

a special discount for our members. Discover it now.


A UX/UI design agency specialised in FinTech offers a great deal to our members. Discover their offer.


A deep thank you to all the partners that enable us to thrive and offer such a wide range of advantages to our members



InsurTech Kick-off Meetup


MEETUP - Digitalisation of Accounting