Fintech Belgium Classroom on Risk Management
October 24th,
The biggest risk is not taking any risk” – Mark Zuckerberg
Come and be trained with your fellow fintechers!
Financial risk management is in constant transformation due to a wide variety of societal, environmental and operational factors.
Get a better understanding of the different risks your company faces, whether financial or non-financial, and how to manage them.
Regulatory and accounting reforms, innovation in business models and technology, cyber threats, ..., you will analyse how crisis and challenges can create great opportunities for new players and challengers. Then, through a holistic approach to Enterprise Risk Management, you will learn about Risk Appetite design, scenario-based planning, stress testing, …
Thanks to this half a day classroom tailor-made for fintechs and delivered by the Febelfin Academy, get concrete improvement leads for your own risk management and leave with some ideas of new opportunities.
Standard ticket 380€ +VAT (-50% for FinTech Belgium Members)
For whom : CEO and Risk managers
Level : Advanced
Knowledge prerequisite: good understanding of results and balance sheet structure as well as underlying principles of banking regulation
Point for bank intermediation: 0,5 point
12:30 - Lunch
14:00 - Introduction
Relationship between strategy, risk and performance
Drivers of financial and non-financial value creation
14:15 - Risk transformation in financial services
Impact of regulatory and accounting reforms for banks, insurance and asset management
Changes in business models: digitalisation and AI, agile organizations, outsourcing
Changes in external context: non-banks, geopolitical, climate/ESG, cyber and interest rate risks
Challenges in risk management transformation
15:30 - Coffee Break
16:00 - An approach to enterprise risk management
A holistic view of all risk types
Role of enterprise risk management, connection to business and finance
Risk Appetite design and cascading down
Scenario-based planning and stress testing
17:15 - Wrap-up and questions
18:00 - RegTech Belgium Kick-off MeetUp
(after registering for our classroom, you will receive a code for a free ticket for our meetup)
Standard ticket 380€ +VAT (-50% for FinTech Belgium Members)
Tamar Joulia-Paris is a graduate of the Ecole polytechnique de Mons (Belgium), of the Ecole Nationale de Géologie et de Prospection Minière de Nancy (France) and of the Solvay Business School in Brussels (Belgium).After 10 years in the construction and manufacturing industry, mainly in emerging markets, she joined the banking industry in 1992.
She started in BBL (now ING Belgium) as head of Credit Risk Management. She later joined the ING Group in Amsterdam where she was in charge of the group credit portfolio and the credit markets during the 2008 financial crisis.
After more than 20 years, she set up her own advisory and training activity, focusing on the risk management in the financial industry, the impact of new prudential regulations as well as portfolio & balance-sheet optimization.
She is also a guest lecturer at the facultés Universitaires de Saint-Louis (Belgium) where she teaches risk management since 2004.
She recently became Senior Advisor for the International Association of Credit Portfolio Managers (IACPM).
In 2019, she joined Dexia as a Member of the Boards of Dexia Bank (Belgium) and Dexia Crédit Local (France) and Member of the Risk and Remuneration Committees.
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