Financing needs Digital Classroom

Digital, March 23rd, 14:00 to 17:00

Financing needs for my company :

classic and alternative financing options

This hybrid online training is two folded and will take place in 2 stages:

  • Pre-study about “Analysis of the annual accounts" via e-learning in Dutch or French

  • Workshop on March 23rd in English: The workshop focusses on tackling financing challenges for startup and scaleup companies.

Workshop programme: 

  • Specific financing challenges for startup and scaleup companies: how to assess financing needs?

  • How much will you need + when + how?

  • Long term (investments / capex) vs short term (working capital) financing needs

  • Overview of classic and alternative financing options

  • Pros and cons of mezzanine financing ; forms and sources

  • How does a bank / investor look at your numbers and financing request? How to “sell” your financing story

  • How to avoid potential pitfalls

Earn 1 point in bank for the pre-study/e-learning part, and 2 points in bank for the workshop-part

Thanks to our partner for this classroom:

Thank you all!

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