Breakfast at FIRe Hub with InvestHK


Breakfast at FIRe Hub: Is Hong Kong on your radar?

01/10/2024 - 8:30 am

Are you looking to expand your Fintech business into Asia? Hong Kong offers a world-class business environment, advanced technical infrastructure, and vast market opportunities across the region. 

To help you explore these possibilities, join our exclusive business breakfast co-organised with InvestHK Brussels on October 1st at 8:30 am. Gain valuable insights into Hong Kong’s thriving Fintech ecosystem and learn how to strategically enter and grow in Asian markets.

Programme Overview:


Right after the session, you could book a one-to-one meeting with InvestHK to analyse your specific expansion strategy in Hong Kong/China/Asia. As a government agency, InvestHK is committed to attracting foreign direct investment and supporting overseas businesses in setting up and expanding in Hong Kong. They offer extensive resources, including access to funding, accelerators, and connections to the local ecosystem. Their services are FREE.

If you are interested in booking a one-to-one meeting, send an email in advance to

During this interactive seminar, you’ll also get the exclusive chance to pitch your company to an exclusive audience. The best pitch will be awarded free tickets to the Hong Kong Fintech Week, offering you the chance to connect with global leaders in finance and technology!

Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to expand your Fintech business into Asia!


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