EBA Outsourcing Guidelines Hybrid Classroom by Febelfin Academy

June 10th, 9:30 - 12:30,

Join our 1st in person classroom this year!
Only 15 onsite tickets available - all other participants will join online

Our 3-hour hybrid classroom is intended for regulated and unregulated FinTechs who want to know more about outsourcing regulations and, in particular, the rules that are imposed on regulated companies and more specifically on the financial banking industry. 

The European Banking Authority (EBA) guidelines on outsourcing contain specific provisions for these arrangements. The National Bank of Belgium has incorporated those guidelines within its supervisory practice. 

The aim is to get a behind-the-scenes look at what banks are facing regarding outsourcing, regulation and reporting as well as to grasp the whole philosophy that comes with it. In this way, FinTechs can better anticipate questions and problems that arise with possible cooperation with financial service providers. 

This classroom is worth 3 hours (points) towards your compliance accreditation

To get you started, our trainer, Thomas Faelli, Partner and Lawyer at Ethikos, will present a very concrete and pragmatic “road to compliance”.

Find Thomas’ full biography on this link.

Who should attend: the target group of this session are the small and mid-caps FinTechs and various target groups which are active in the following functions, among others: compliance, legal, procurement

Level: Advanced

Points for bank intermediation: This live webinar gives you 3 hours (points) in compliance

This classroom is brought to life by practical examples by our trainer, Thomas Faelli

Only 15 tickets onsite available all other participants will join online.

Hybrid? and Covid19?

This is a Hybrid even as you can choose to attend in person or digitally as well.

We will make sure to keep interaction high and possible for anyone joining us online.

For people attending in person, we will make sure that all sanitary measures are respected of course. Please keep your distances, bring your own mask and keep it on until seated with a drink.

EBA Outsourcing Guidelines Hybrid Digital Classroom
A training by Febelfin Academy

Programme: 9.30 - 12.30

Step 0: Understanding the regulatory framework 

Step 1: Setting the bar 

Step 2: Drafting the outsourcing policy 

Step 3: Adapting internal processes and creating awareness

Step 4: Listing and assessment of all the service providers 

Step 5: Alignment of the contracts 

Step 6: Filling the outsourcing register

Step 7: Be ready to report to the National Bank of Belgium


Venue: Febelfin Academy, Boulevard Roi Albert II 19, 1210 Brussels

Thank you all!

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TradeTech Hybrid MeetUp


Franco Fintech