Antwerp Management School Event


January 26th, 9:00-13:30

🎓 Antwerp Management School Event

A big thank you to Antwerp Management School and the Master students who joined us at the FIRe Digital Finance Hub for an enriching discussion on the evolving landscape of finance!

We delved into key industry topics, exploring the fintech ecosystem, regulatory dynamics, and the future of banking. Special focus was given to the hottest trends in finance: embedded finance, asset management (including crypto), regtech, and ESG.

The engagement from Antwerp Management School's 25 graduating students was exceptional. Your enthusiasm and curiosity about the industry's intricacies are truly commendable

Thank you to everyone who made this event a success! Here's to forging connections, gaining insights, and paving the way for the future of finance.


Huge appreciation to our stellar lineup of speakers who shared their expertise:

Rie Sordo-DeCock - Scudi, Nicolas Vincent - Sailpeak/Pawa, François De Witte - FDW Consult Services B.V., Toon Daenen - RiskConcile, Jerome Leclanche & Brent Dedecker, - Ingram, Jeremy Sulzbacher - MGF, Tine Tremmery - POM.


The Selected Fintechs!


Us at the Future of Banking event