AREA 42: Cyber-Physical Systems x Blockchain for Trade White-paper

The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is gaining popularity in the industry, government and consumer realms. The variety of tools, manufacturing technologies, and legacy systems involved in creating these Cyber-Physical Systems has resulted in a truly impressive range of devices that can be connected to provide real-time insight and action. Significant commercial benefits can be found in automation, planning, monitoring and maintenance, but standards are still emerging - especially when integrating with blockchain applications.

That’s why AREA42 decided to create a paper on combining Cyber-Physical Systems and blockchain. As with everything we do, the focus is on the B2B trade industry.

In this paper, you’ll find: 

  • The benefits of blockchain in Cyber-Physical Systems

  • A maturity assessment of the combination

  • An overview of relevant use cases

  • An in-depth introduction to the concept of pay as you go insurance

About the authors

Roy Nahum has a background in multiple industries (Entrepreneurial, Online, Trading, FMCG, Retail, B2B). Most of his work focuses on Management Consulting particularly, performance improvement using analysis and technology. 

Florent Bardy is a Senior Innovation Strategist with expertise in business trade venture building.


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