ATTENTION: scammers around DFS attendee list!

Our community has been faced with an unfortunate challenge – individuals attempting to exploit our events by falsely claiming to possess Digital Finance Summit attendee lists. Please be aware that this is a scam, it is only a way to try and get money from our community!

Suspicious communications have surfaced from individuals alleging to have access to our DFS attendee lists. These scammers employ various tactics to deceive community members, with the ultimate goal of extracting money. It's crucial for everyone to be aware that these claims are entirely false, and any attempts to solicit funds based on such assertions should be treated with extreme caution.

To ensure that our community remains secure, it's essential to recognise the red flags associated with these scams. Here are some key indicators to be aware of:

1. Unsolicited Messages: Scammers often reach out to community members through unsolicited messages, claiming to have exclusive access to DFS attendee lists.

2. Requests for Payment: One of the primary objectives of these scams is to convince individuals to part with their money. Be wary of any requests for payment in exchange for supposed attendee lists or related information.

3. False Sense of Urgency: Scammers may create a sense of urgency, pressuring recipients to act quickly before the opportunity is lost. Legitimate communications from our community organizers do not use such tactics.

4. Unofficial Channels: Authentic information about DFS events is only disseminated through official channels, such as our community website, official emails, or recognized social media accounts. Be cautious if the communication is coming from an unofficial source.

By staying informed and vigilant, we can collectively create a safer environment for all DFS participants. Remember, our community's strength lies in its members, and together, we can protect each other from potential threats. Stay safe, stay informed, and let's continue to make DFS events enjoyable and secure for everyone.


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