NEW EVENT CONCEPT at Fintech Belgium


Launch on May 6th of our first DEMO SESSION

An event dedicated to "INNOVATION IN BELGIUM".

Come and discover what's new in our industry during our series of new events that will take place on May 6th, June 17th and September 30th.

What is new on the market and in our industry?

These 2h sessions main focus is to bring innovation and new digital financial solutions into the spotlight. They are perfect for all companies on stage to create new connections and opportunities for themselves.

The concept is to mix

  1. pitches, from early startup presenting their innovative concept to well known players introducing their new product,

  2. with reverse-pitches, where our corporate partners will present their needs and call for tenders

  3. and networking rooms animated by each of the presenting companies.

Startups: Want to pitch your new concept, your new fintech?
Scale-ups: Want to launch your new product on our stage?
Corporates: Want to reverse-pitch, pose business challenges for startups to solve and attract fintechs to collaborate/partner up with you on a project ?

Send an email to 


Buckaroo has completed Sisow acquisition


Pitch at the Voka Breakfast Club