European Social Gathering - side event of Money20/20 Europe

Are you going to Money20/20 Europe this September? We will be present as a Belgian delegation while, on the first night, we are doing a BeNeLux side event: European Social Gathering.

About this event

The LHoft, Fintech Belgium and Holland Fintech are inviting you to a fabulous fintech networking night - like Covid never happened...

This is the perfect opportunity to meet financial institution players and tech-for-fin startups & scale-ups from all over Europe.

If you are participating in Money20/20, or just happen to be in Amsterdam, join us on invitation.

We are looking forward to spending the evening with you.

As a special theme, we are discussing ESG in fintech: bring us your thoughts!

As you may already know, thanks to our partnership with Money20/20 we have a special promo code for all our members: you just need to check the dedicated area on the website!


Breakfast launch at FIRe on Sep. 17th!


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