FTBE launched its members feedback survey 2021


As every year, FinTech Belgium launches its members feedback survey.
It is in this most special year that our association celebrated its 5th anniversary.

We were not able to celebrate it with dignity with all of you but we have adapted to the situation by offering you the hybrid and digital events.

After this year of challenges, we know that the return to normal is not yet for tomorrow, but we are ready more than ever to face this new year 2021.

In order to meet your expectations and to help you in the best possible way, we would like to ask you to take a few minutes to answer this survey:
- Your feedback on 2020
- Your expectations for 2021

These are 15minutes that will make all the difference for us.
We are made by and for you, our members, so thank you in advance.

If you would like to make additional suggestions, by email or chat around a cup of coffee, don't hesitate to contact Alessandra.

DEADLINE : Mar. 15th, 2021
Yours sincerely,

The whole team of FinTech Belgium


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