Solvay Fintech Club Launch

We had the great pleasure of actively being part of the launch of the brand-new *Solvay Fintech Club*. It was exciting to see such a nice new initiative bringing awareness to the new generation about our industry.

Our CEO Alessandra had an incredible time with several of our members diving into the world of embedded finance, innovation, and more at the “Introduction à la Fintech” event.

With an incredible array of speakers, they covered everything from embedded finance to ESG solutions, digital asset management, and values and determination’s importance in a career choice, and how fintech is fun for a career path! It was a varied and so useful discussion.

Nicolas Vincent, Founder & Managing Partner of Sailpeak; Moyra Bonjean, COO of Fundrocess; Lionel Slusny, CXO & Co-Founder of Shiperise; Rie De Cock-Sordo, CEO of Scudi; Andrew De Prest, CCO of Exthand; Bernard Nicolay, Adjunct Finance Professor at Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management (ULB).

A special thank you to the brilliant organisers Fikret Kucuk and Eric-Christin Neves from the Solvay Fintech Club for putting together such an enriching initiative! 🙏


Our member SOPIAD is the proud winner of the 2023 #AcaInsuranceInnovationAward


APPEL AUX FINTECHS: rejoignez le prochain événement du Solvay Finance Club