Press release: Collection and bailiffs organisation GGN and payment service provider Buckaroo introduce a complete collection and credit solution


Collection and bailiff organization GGN and payment provider Buckaroo introduce a full service collection and credit solution

Utrecht, 19 May 2022 - Collection and bailiff organization GGN and payment provider Buckaroo are joining forces. Together they want to help organizations and companies with socially responsible debt collection. Based on the payment behavior of more than 3.6 million consumers and more than 600,000 companies, GGN can make better predictions for optimizing credit management. This is translated into a personalized approach to get bills paid faster and in a customer-friendly way.

John Nootenboom, CEO at GGN: “We are proud to join forces with a fellow Dutch pioneer in the field of payment solutions. The goal of the collaboration fits within GGN's mission: to collect in a socially responsible manner and thereby prevent problematic debts. Buckaroo's credit management system has proven to improve payment behaviour. That is a valuable addition for our clients.”

Social collection approach
Paul Scholten, CEO at Buckaroo also emphasizes the importance of the collaboration: “The Buckaroo credit management platform ensures an automated and customer-friendly follow-up of unpaid invoices with a payment link via email, QR or SMS. This prevents consumers from ending up in a collection process early. In GGN we have found a valuable partner. The proven method of social collection via GGN is a nice addition to our payment solutions."

While GGN is active in the private and public domain, Buckaroo focuses more on e-commerce. In the future, GGN's clients will be able to use Buckaroo's credit management and payment solutions. Visa versa, Buckaroo's clients can use GGN's customer-friendly social collection approach, both nationally and internationally.

Predict payment behaviour
Nootenboom: “Together with Buckaroo, we can link insights from different sectors and share best practices. This enables us to predict the payment behavior of consumers and businesses even better. This is of course to the benefit of both our clients and their customers, but it also provides value from a social point of view. With the insight of both GGN and Buckaroo, we are able to identify problems earlier and offer the right full service credit management solution for an effective and customer-friendly payment process.”


About Buckaroo
Being able to pay quickly, easily and securely. A simple wish, but sometimes a big challenge for entrepreneurs in the changing world of e-commerce and digitization. Buckaroo helps companies to make a profit in the payment process to allow them to grow. For example with a smart checkout, but also with the help of additional payment solutions such as customer-friendly credit management.

About GGN
GGN stands for Group Judicial Officers Netherlands and is an organization that specializes in social debt collection. GGN occupies an important position as an organisation. As one of the few organizations in the value chain, GGN stands between the creditor, debt counseling and debtor. They identify a lot and can make a difference in this playing field by connecting people and organizations and jointly looking for solutions for the longer term. As a partner of the Dutch Debt Relief Route , GGN can better identify its customers with (starting) financial problems and help them on their way with a social collection approach.


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