Back-to-School Networking Event


29/08/2024 - 18:30-22:30

Thank you to everyone who joined us for the "Back-to-School Networking Event"! It was wonderful to reconnect after the summer break and jump back into the exciting world of Fintech together.

The evening was truly special, with engaging discussions and fresh perspectives as we shared summer stories and explored the latest industry trends. Not to mention the delicious pizza and drinks that made the evening even more enjoyable 🍕 🍷. 

We loved seeing familiar faces and welcoming new ones, strengthening our community bonds. The event was also the perfect occasion to celebrate Alessandra Guion’s birthday, adding an extra layer of fun and friendship, making it a night to remember 🎂❤️. 

We hope you left with new connections, innovative ideas, and maybe even some new friends. Your energy is what makes these events so fantastic and memorable. We can't wait for our next gathering and to continue growing and connecting within our Fintech community. Cheers to more awesome events in the future! 👋



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